Sunday, October 9, 2011

Question of the Week. Discuss one political issue that interest you and why.

One political issue that interests me is immigration. The reason I'm interested? Because our current immigration system is broken in more ways than many would ever admit. We have so many people coming in illegally with their families and so few coming through the legal channels. Why do people come in illegally? Because the legal system would require for the potential citizens to wait while their children suffer, there is a surplus of jobs Americans refuse to do that won't get done, and they make more at wages Americans would scoff at than they would where they came from. Generally Democrats are all for assimilating immigrants into society, but the issue is a hot one. It has gotten so bad that the Republican party is almost evenly divided on how to respond. Some wish to kick out all illegals, while others propose that the illegals are put into a six month guest worker program. Personally, I think that have people come on a guest worker program is the best way to go. But what do you think?

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