Sunday, October 2, 2011

Question of the Week. What Political Party are you most closely aligned with? Why?

To put it simply I support government regulation and having the government help out the people on the issues that people have no ability to handle on their own (including unemployment and fights between businesses and workers). This marks me as a Democrat seeing as a main Republican ideal is to have the states handle everything and keeping the national government uninvolved. That being said, I have issues with both political parties and how they focus on staying in office more than what they actually do in office, the personal lives of the candidates rather than what they have voted on in the past, and can't seem to work together on anything. I don't care what political party a politician is from that politician is supposed to be working with all of the other politicians on a bill, not arguing party lines. So rather than following any party lines I'll tell you what my opinion on certain issues are and what I think about a candidate, but I won't align myself with either political party.

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